Promotor: AIDC Solar
Estimated Project Cost: TBC
Expected Delivery Model: PPP
Status: Feasibility study.
Promotor: AIDC Solar
Estimated Project Cost: TBC
Expected Delivery Model: PPP
Status: Feasibility study.
The AIDC was set up specifically to manage the ASP which was viewed as a key economic infrastructure intervention of the Gauteng Provincial Government. The ASP is an Automotive supplier logistic node providing a value proposition to suppliers of the major original equipment manufacturers (OEM’s) in Gauteng by grouping different technologies, services and service providers in the same location to achieve economies of scale and logistical coherence.
The ASP was established on 140 hectares of land which has 5 separate development land phases. Land under 1, 2, 3 and 5 are owned by AIDC. The AIDC has developed portions 1 and 2 with some remainders, Portions 3 and 5 have yet to be developed.